HV Series Vertical Honing Machines

Barnes HV-5000

Хонинговальное оборудование фирмы Barnes

Barnes Series HV Vertical Honing Machine Features:

  • Full-line of equipment for 0.125″ — 30″ diameter parts processing
  • Stroke lengths from 12″ up to 76″ in single or multi-spindle configurations
  • Robust design and heavy-duty base/column construction for accuracy & repeatability
  • Intuitive, menu-driven, programmable system controller, w/color touch-screen PC-based HMI
  • Lateral, X-Y and Rotary Index Tables available for parts processing flexibility
  • «Open» design allows for easy operator access,maintenance & automation interface
  • Compact «Traveling Head» spindle-drive/hone expansion (electromechanical linear actuator)
  • Post-Process Parts Gauging options include both Servo-column mounted and Bench-mounted air gauging systems


Bore Diameter 0.125″ — 3.0″ 3.0″ — 10.0″ 10.0″ — 30.0″
Spindle Power(HP) 5.0 — 7.5 HP 15 HP 15.0 -30.0 HP
Spindle Speeds (RPM) 0 — 3,000 0 — 250 0 — 125
Stroke Length 8.0″ — 24.0″ 24.0″ — 76.0″ 24.0″ — 76.0″
Spindle Configuration Single/Multiple Single/Multiple Single/Multiple
Voltage Requirement 380 or 460V/50-60 Hz 380 or 460V/50 -60 Hz 380 or 460V/50 -60 Hz
Stroke Control Servo-Motor/Ball- Screw Servo-Motor/Ball-Screw or Hydraulic Servo-Motor/Ball-Screw or Hydraulic
Reciprocation Speed Up to 50m/minute Up to 36m/minute Up to 36m/minute
Reciprocation Power(HP) 10.0 HP 10.0 HP 15.0 HP
Hone Expansion Method Linear Actuator Linear Actuator or Hydraulic Linear Actuator or Hydraulic
Shipping Weight 4,400 lbs 8,000 lbs 12,000 lbs
Approximate Height 96″ 128″ — 185″ 128″ — 205″
Approximate Width 57″ 64″ 80″
Approximate Length 50″ 68″ 88″


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